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Suche -> Vietnam -> -> Hanoi -> Aikido at Lysee Alexandre Yersin

Nummer / No: 300Gruppe / Groupe:
Aikido at Lysee Alexandre Yersin
12 Nui Truc
Ba Dinh district Hanoi
Vietnam  --  
Sonstiges / Divers:
The Aikikai techniques are the basic model
to be studied by comparing with the teachings of Nishio sensei. \"Give opponent happiness" \ - \"make your safety first then make the safety of your partner"\ are the most important ideas to follow up
Telefon / Téléphone: 0084914283862
Lehrer / Professeur:
Name / Nom Grad / Grade
Reinhard Hümmer 4.Dan
Übungstage / Jours d'enseignement:
Tag / Jour Uhrzeit / Horaire
Monday 19:.00 - 20:30
Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Saturday 18:30 - 20:00