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Suche -> Afrique du nord -> Maroc -> Rabat -> Club Karate Shotokan

Nummer / No: 1885Gruppe / Groupe: Aikikai + Iaido
Club Karate Shotokan
60 rue oukeimden agdal rabat
11000 Rabat
Afrique du nord  --  Maroc
Sonstiges / Divers:
in my group we use to practice Aikido by different ways which could be useful to understand to true meaning of this martial art so that everyone could find the best possible understanding of Aikido.
I also like to find out the common points between Aikido and Iaido so I use to practice Iaido too one time a week.
Telefon / Téléphone: +212670144887
Lehrer / Professeur:
Name / Nom Grad / Grade
Yassine AFQIR 4th
Übungstage / Jours d'enseignement:
Tag / Jour Uhrzeit / Horaire
Monday from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Wednesday from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Friday from 7:00pm to 8:30pm