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Suche -> Afrique du nord -> Algerie -> Oran -> Takemusu aikido school Algeria

Nummer / No: 1750Gruppe / Groupe: dento iwama ryu
Takemusu aikido school Algeria
coperative el mounakh USTO HLM
31000 Oran
Afrique du nord  --  Algerie
Sonstiges / Divers:
we have a second school too,we practice within it only two days per week ,so actionally we'r training all days of the week+some trips when we practice bokken in nature,and the beach too.
Telefon / Téléphone: (+213)557-64-20-12
Lehrer / Professeur:
Name / Nom Grad / Grade
sofiane kadem 1 dan
Übungstage / Jours d'enseignement:
Tag / Jour Uhrzeit / Horaire
saturday 17:00-19:00
tuesday 17:00-19:00
thursday 17:00-19:00