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Suche -> Nederland -> Noord Holland -> Amsterdam -> Integral Aikido A'dam/CvHaperen (4th dan)

Nummer / No: 1607Gruppe / Groupe: Aikikai/IwamaRyu/Jiyu Waza/AikiKids
Integral Aikido A'dam/CvHaperen (4th dan)
P. Langendijkstraat 44
1054ZB Amsterdam
Nederland  --  Noord Holland
Sonstiges / Divers:
Instructor has extensive experience in the technical curriculum (taijutsu & weapon system) of late M.Saito Sensei (9dan). And she implements the jiyu waza approach inspired by P. Cassidy (6dan).
Her teaching of the art of aikido has an integral vision and approach; aikido as a living perspective Body-Mind-Soul-Spirit. She implements also elements of Mindfulness in the training.
Instructor is also PsySoc. Counselor and Mindfulness trainer.

The dojo is affiliated with C.A.A.

Visitors, regardless rank or style, are also welcome to join a class.

For more details about locations, please visit our website

Feel free to connect us!
Telefon / Téléphone: 0031-6-13692808
Lehrer / Professeur:
Name / Nom Grad / Grade
Carolina van Haperen 4th dan ai
Übungstage / Jours d'enseignement:
Tag / Jour Uhrzeit / Horaire
Monday (adults, general) 19:30-21:00
Wednesday (adults, general) 19:30-21:00
Monday (AikiKids. Other location) 15:30-16:30
Tuesday (AikiKids. other location) 15:30-17:30
Sunday - Theme class (Once a month. For adults) 10:00-12:00