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Suche -> USA -> Texas -> Midland -> Aikido of Midland

Nummer / No: 1142Gruppe / Groupe: Suganami Aikikai (Kato shihan)
Aikido of Midland
2608 Loma Drive
79705 Midland
USA  --  Texas
Sonstiges / Divers:
Adult and children classes in Aikido under the direction of dojo-cho Dr. John Riggs, 4th dan Aikikai and under the guidance of Hiroshi Kato, 8th dan shihan (Aikikai). Classes in Kato sensei's weapons and waza. Visitors are welcome.
Telefon / Téléphone: (432) 684-7008
Fax: (432) 686-3931
Lehrer / Professeur:
Name / Nom Grad / Grade
John Riggs yondan
Übungstage / Jours d'enseignement:
Tag / Jour Uhrzeit / Horaire
M, T, Th Fr 7-9 PM